Monday, September 8, 2008


What would our lives look like if we focused on others more than we focused on ourselves? That was the driving question in my heart and mind that lead me to share the message I did yesterday. You can listen to it here.
So this morning I got up and read this post from Jaime and I had to share it with you. I love the verse in Proverbs that she points out to us. Planning is a great thing and God calls us to do it but we must recognize that He has a plan for our lives and only His plans will prevail!
One of the things I am confident of is the reality that His plan for us involves serving others. We will talk more about that here this week as we continue to unpack the ideas I shared Sunday!
Remember the challenge, everyone you see this week is your neighbor! How would my life look different if I embraced that truth?
Have a great week, neighbor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people had images of the people who they knew would be the ones where they had to immediately go..."That's my neighbor." I had two pop up right then and there. Good message bud...keep it up.