Monday, September 15, 2008

LifeGroups @ LifePoint

One of the greatest environments related to LifePoint Church is our LifeGroup's. You can find out more about them and how to be a part of one here.
Next year a major emphasis of our church will be how we can more effectively "do life together", and how we can connect more people in a small group environment.
For the past several months I have been traveling from group to group to hear from the people who make our church tick and to answer questions. It has been an amazing time and I am more convinced than ever that real life change happens in the context of a small group environment.
Tonight I hung out for several hours with the McCann lifegroup and I just have to give a shout out to Dan McCann! Dan is such a huge part of what takes place at LifePoint and he has really helped us get people connected in groups over the last few years. Thanks Dan! We are better because you are in our lives.
If you are not in a small group yet, Dan would love to find a place for you.

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