Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mike Leach

Now here's a story of knowing what you want in life and going for it. Mike Leach is the head coach of the Texas Tech Red Raiders. (You guys know how big of a college football fan I am) Mike graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in 1983. He then went on to Pepperdine University School of law and graduated with a law degree in 1986.
After all of this time and effort he decided that he wanted to be a football coach. That had always been his dream but he was never willing to pursue it. "Why Not?" That was his attitude!
So today he coaches a team that is undefeated and about to play Texas (the #1 team in the country) this Saturday. A lot of people are saying that texas Tech will win the game. If you ask me I'm not so sure. However, Mike Leach is already a winner. He knew what mattered most to him in life and he didn't settle. By the way, Mike is one of only 4 Division I coaches that didn't actually play football in college. That's what I'm talking about. Having a dream and the courage to pursue it!
LifePoint Church has been a dream and vision of mine for many years. Six years ago in the midst of much criticism and questions from even friends and family I decided to go for it. Since then we have been on one amazing ride. There have been great days and not so great days but through it all God has been faithful and has allowed us to be a part of a great story.
For the last several months I have been seeking God about the next few years of my life. I have been sharing on Sunday's that I feel like He is calling us to take the heart and vision of who we are outside the church walls and make a great difference in our communities. I truly believe that the greatest days are ahead of us.
The last two weeks have been a time of great anticipation for me. I almost feel like I did when God first began to give me the dream of this place. I know that this is what He has called me to and I am ready to make the next run.
For those of you who have been a part of this journey, thanks for all you have done and I know you will continue to be a part. For those of you who are new to LifePoint, hang on because we are about to have some fun and watch God do great things!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, did I issue a "big challenge" Sunday or what? In the midst of some of our toughest economic times in history I asked the people of LifePoint to step up their giving to an all time high in an effort to be a part of a huge plan God has for us. I am confident that, as always, the response will be huge and together we will once again see God do amazing things.

I can't wait to get into the next few months and begin to see some of our dreams become a reality. Things like stepping greater into our community and meeting physical needs, helping people begin to discover their purpose for living, and seeking to lead the church into the future. Only time will tell what will be accomplished and I for one am waiting with great anticipation.

Come prepared this Sunday to be part of a fun time of celebration as you bring your gifts during the service. (We will fill the treasure chest) Remember, "where your treasure is there will your heart be also!"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Buried Treasure

We are in a series right now called "Buried Treasure", and I am loving the ways God is stretching us! I am not usually so comfortable with asking people to consider giving like I have been the last few weeks.
For the last 6 years I have resisted talking much about money in an attempt to not make people misunderstand my passion, heart and desires. The reality is that I am starting to understand that people really do want to be a part of something bigger than themselves and that means we may have to step outside of our comfort zones.
God had no problem with the money conversation because His motives were pure. As I have prayed these last few months I feel like mine are as well so I am going for it.
We have been called as a church to make a huge difference in the lives of those we call our neighbor and it will mean that each of us will have to sacrifice. This past Sunday I gave a big challenge for the church and you can listen to it here.
Join us again this Sunday as we continue this journey!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Miss Sunday

You do NOT want to miss this Sunday! As I shared this past week, all of the staff will be on the stage with me this week and we will be sharing some great stories.
For the past several weeks we have been discussing generosity and the characteristics of a generous life. Now we move into the real issues. "What is God asking me to do?" and "How can I display the marks of generosity?"
For the next several weeks we will be sharing with you some exciting things that are on the horizon for LifePoint Church and the communities we are a part of. The staff and I have been stretching ourselves to think outside the box and seek what it really looks like to be generous, which is simply being like Christ. Now we want to share our thoughts and visions with you and invite you to invest your time, talents and resources in helping us accomplish some great things.
We know that if anything of lasting value is accomplished it will be by the grace of Christ, and yet we also know that He has chosen to work through ordinary people like you and me.
So get ready to hear some exciting stuff and to be challenged like never before.
See you Sunday!