Monday, December 29, 2008


I have spent some time over the last few days evaluating the last year and thinking about the one to come. I have been looking at areas in my life where I need to make some changes. (There are many) Each year I try and develop a list of goals that I want/hope to accomplish that year and this year will be no exception. I haven't made it to the list yet but I will before the week is over. I try and not rush into it but set goals that require some hard work but yet till can be accomplished.
This morning I read a post from one of my favorite writers. Mark Batterson is the Pastor of National Community Church in DC and he inspires me from a distance. You can read what I just read by clicking here.
None of us really like change but when we stop and evaluate we all know we need it. What areas do you need change in? Don't resist the change but run to it!
This next year we will experience some changes at LifePoint. We will push past the status quo and seek God as to how we need to change to stay focused on what he has called us to do. There will be some changes that we like and some we don't but we will change anyway.
One of the things, personally, I am going to change in is some of my eating habits. I am not going to allow myself to eat anything after 8:00pm. That is a change I am NOT going to like but it IS going to be for my benefit so I will press on.
When there are changes that you don't like if you resist them you will spend your whole life as status quo and how boring is that. Do something different "for a change"!

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