Monday, May 12, 2008


Yesterday was quite an interesting day. I awoke to the sound of much thunder and a steady rainfall. As I began driving toward the church I found myself in a serious storm and was even a little nervous for a few minutes of my drive. I had to swerve to miss a tractor trailer that had turned sideways in the middle of the interstate and thought I was going to be blown off the road a few times myself.
I finally arrived at the church building to discover that we had no electricity which obviously meant that we had no lights. In our main auditorium we have no windows so it made for a really dark room. I was certain that the power would come back on before our first service but it never did and we ended up canceling all three of our services.
Later, as I reflected back on the day, I couldn't help but focus on one of the verses that I intended to share and will share this coming Sunday.
Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."
As I walked around the building pointing a flashlight in front of me I couldn't see as good as when all of the lights are on. Then I had this thought; there will be times in all of our lives where we will experience the "storms of life", and when they come we may even experience some nervousness or uncertainty.
God has given us His life and His word to carry us through these times. I'm so glad that even in the midst of storms and uncertainty I have a shelter to run to. It's found in Christ!


Chris said...

dude, that picture doesn't do you justice. glad to see something up, last time I browsed over Chris's blog was the only one running. It's also way cool that my pastor reads eldredge, one of my favorite authors

Chris said...

btw, I noticed it wouldn't let me post/sign in from the lifepoint website...had to open the link in a new window...

Kim said...

As usual, you have an amazing ability (gift) to see things just a bit differently, which is AWESOME! **Thanks to Chris for his comment so I could figure out how to leave my comment. I told Mike I had the same problem from the Lifepoint site. Thanks for all you guys do! Blessings ~ Kim Thompson