Friday, May 2, 2008


We all have circles in our lives. You're steering wheel is a circle, your wedding band (if you have one) is a circle, maybe you're swimming pool is a circle, and your kitchen table might even be a circle. There's one circle that we often times overlook that is the most important circle in any of our lives. It's our "inner circle", or those people closest to us in our lives. I have been challenged recently by the reality that we are only as good as those in our "inner circle" and we will only achieve those things that those closest to us encourage and enable us to achieve.

If this is true then it stands to reason that we really should be selective in the people we choose to get close to and we should recognize the need for people in our lives that make us better. There are two books that are greatly influencing me in this area right now. The first is called "The Hidden Wholeness" by Parker Palmer. Palmer is a quaker who speaks of the importance of "circles of trust" where we learn to stay connected with our true selves and avoid living a divided life. (I'll speak more to this in a few days)

The second book is simply titled "11" by Leonard Sweet. Sweet speaks of the "11" relationships that are essential for all of us if we are going to be the person God has designed us to be. It is a great read and very challenging.

Last night I had a meeting with a portion of my "inner circle" who happen to be the staff of LifePoint Church and during our time we talked about this important truth. After we finished I reflected on the great potential in my life because of those God has surrounded me with.

Today, as you encounter the various "circles" in your life I hope you will think about the most important circle of all, your "inner circle" and evaluate how much you need it and maybe even invite others to join yours.

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