Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just finished reading a book by Randy Pausch called "The Last Lecture" and it rocked my world. Some of you may be familiar with the story and the rest of you need to be. Randy has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and he was asked to give his last lecture at the university he serves as professor at. It's one thing to think about what you would say if you could only say one more thing but it's another if it really is potentially your last opportunity. It has had me in a very reflective as well as forward thinking mode for several days.

How would we live our lives if we only had a month to live? I bet we would do a lot of things that we have been putting off and I bet we would let some things go that may not be as important as we make them out to be. If we agree with that statement then we have no excuse to not do what we would do if we knew we had limited time.

I'm asking God in the days ahead to help me live up to my potential and to help me live a very intentional life. To do the things that matter most and be clear about what they are.

For the next few weeks I'll share some thoughts from Randy's book but the best thing I could say is GO AND BUY IT, READ IT, AND THEN GIVE IT TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE!

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