Thursday, April 17, 2008


I think it was a game when I was a kid. Maybe it's still around? I know that in real life it's no game at all but rather something that we have a tendency to run from. Why? As I read through the Bible and come across the stories where God did amazing things in peoples lives and as I think of stories in my life where God has shown out it seems like there is a consistent them. RISK! Any time God calls us to trust Him there will be great risk involved. I'm asking God today to help me be a person who is willing to take the risk, make the leap and go for it. I am convinced that most all human beings will get to the end of their lives and look back with some regrets. However, the more I walk with God the more convinced I am that our greatest regrets will not be a result of the mistakes we made but rather the result of the things we didn't try. The times when we knew God was calling us out on the water but we were afraid of the risk. We're is God calling you out of your comfortable environment? Take the risk!

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