Saturday, January 10, 2009


A few days ago I blogged about the 5 "F's". The first one was "Faith". I have actually set some Faith goals for 2009. They are not anything real earth shattering and I'll tell you why:
Last year I finished the process of developing 100 life goals and several people asked me why I didn't have a Faith or Spiritual category. In the process of setting goals I became very aware that all of my life is spiritual. I am a spiritual being and everything I do is an overflow of who God says I am and what He has created me to do. So I decided not to go with spiritual goals.
While nothing has really changed there, this year there are a few things on my radar that I wanted to focus in on and they seemed to have more of a faith feel than anything else so I tagged them as faith goals.
The biggest one I have is that I want to daily grow in my awareness of what is going on inside of me and around me. Until last year I may have never called this a faith issue but I am learning to see that it just may be the biggest faith issue of all.
Increasing awareness in my life leads to increasing faith development in my life. Growing up I was told that the way to grow my faith was to pray more... read my bible more... go to church more... and the list went on and on... Don't get me wrong these things all have a significant place in my life but apart from awareness I see that they really have no LASTING value!
Later this year we will be doing a series at LifePoint where we will visit this issue in detail.
Living your life with intention this week?

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