Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Slow Down

Summer is officially here! I guess it actually has been for a few weeks now, but we are well into the "summer slow down". I know that this means a lot of different things for all of us:
1) We don't have to get up as early to get the kids ready for school.
2) We may stay up later but our evenings are not filled with homework and projects to work on.
3) Vacation!
Summer is a unique time of year and we should take advantage of the gifts it brings to us. During the year we get so busy and focused that at times we loose sight of the things that matter most. As you vacation this summer take notice of the things you share as a family and identify ways you can implement some of those things throughout the rest of the year. Even after school starts back!
Take advantage of the opportunities you have to reconnect as a family and make a decision to not let it get so out of balance in the future.

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