Monday, December 29, 2008


I have spent some time over the last few days evaluating the last year and thinking about the one to come. I have been looking at areas in my life where I need to make some changes. (There are many) Each year I try and develop a list of goals that I want/hope to accomplish that year and this year will be no exception. I haven't made it to the list yet but I will before the week is over. I try and not rush into it but set goals that require some hard work but yet till can be accomplished.
This morning I read a post from one of my favorite writers. Mark Batterson is the Pastor of National Community Church in DC and he inspires me from a distance. You can read what I just read by clicking here.
None of us really like change but when we stop and evaluate we all know we need it. What areas do you need change in? Don't resist the change but run to it!
This next year we will experience some changes at LifePoint. We will push past the status quo and seek God as to how we need to change to stay focused on what he has called us to do. There will be some changes that we like and some we don't but we will change anyway.
One of the things, personally, I am going to change in is some of my eating habits. I am not going to allow myself to eat anything after 8:00pm. That is a change I am NOT going to like but it IS going to be for my benefit so I will press on.
When there are changes that you don't like if you resist them you will spend your whole life as status quo and how boring is that. Do something different "for a change"!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


I love Christmas Morning! Wake up early, open a few gifts with the family, eat a little breakfast and then go back to sleep for a morning nap. Just waking up from mine!
So grateful for what this day represents. It is the day that, as Christians, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. This past year, maybe more than ever, I have been overwhelmed with the thought of God coming "here"! I'm asking Him this day not to let me miss the beauty of what this means for us.
In Coming, Jesus said over and over again things like.... "the Kingdom of God is with men".... "the Kingdom is in you"....
I think as followers of Christ we will have been called to be co-creators with Christ and continue to usher in the presence of the Kingdom in the world we live in.
For the balance of 2008 and in all of 2009 may we broker the message of the Kingdom and the Peace of God to all we encounter.
Both friend and foe, those near and far.
Peace on this Christmas Day and in the Year to come!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What a Year!

What an amazing year this has been! Tomorrow morning I will walk into the doors of LifePoint and onto the stage for the last Sunday service of 2008. Where has the year gone? It has certainly been an up and down ride but one that I will cherish for some time to come. (We always take the last Sunday of the year off so we won't have services on the 28th)
I can't wait for the experience on Sunday! We have been brainstorming this one for several weeks and it finally came together over the last few days.
Speaking of experience: That is the new word for next year. Lifepoint will be all about creating experiences. By now you have probably heard that we are shifting from three services to two and the times are changing. Our new times will be 8:45am and 10:30am, starting on January 4th.
We have some experiences planned for the first few months of 2009 that I don't think will let you down. We are going to look at the issues facing, "Frantic Families" and we are going to talk about the heartbeat of LifePoint Church.
Thanks to all of you who have been such a huge part of our journey this year. Together we have worshipped by singing, teaching, repairing houses, feeding the hungry, clothing those in need, and caring for children just to name a few.
Next year promises to provide many more opportunities for some of the same and many new initiatives as well. I hope you all have a great Christmas and an Amazing start to the New year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day

As some of you know one of my favorite bands of all time is U2, and their song, "Beautiful Day" is one of the best. The lyrics go, it's a beautiful day.... don't let it slip away.....
That is what is on my mind as I wake up this morning. (Maybe it's because the song is in my ipod)
What if we said this to ourselves each day before we rushed out the door or began our daily routine. In my office I have a jar of marbles that represent the weeks I have left if I live the normal lifespan of a person in America. I'm fully aware that I am not promised anything and that everyday is a gift and every breath a picture of god's grace. The marbles (I throw one in the trash each week) are a constant reminder to me that life is a gift and is fragile and I have a little bit of time and a little opportunity to make a difference.
How are you using your little bit of time and little bit of opportunity to influence those around you for good?
It's a Beautiful Day..... Don't Let it slip away!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

"Frantic Family" Blog Finale

In my post yesterday I wrapped up the questions for the frantic family. I just had to visit this issue one more time. Today I spent some time with a creative planning team talking about the new series we will be launching in January related to this subject. I have 3 words for you. "Don't miss it"!
During this series we are going to experiment with some new forms of learning and it is just going to be a great time. (I wish I could share more of our planning but that would take away from the experience so I have to keep you in suspense) At the end we will open our doors to the public for a one evening session on developing a family plan.
If Frantic is not an adjective that describes your family then you can sleep late in January. However, if like mine, yours is at times frantic, then join us for some amazing environments and conversations!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


OK, so I have been away for a few weeks! Life has been a little crazy and I just haven't taken the time to post. I could have found some time but I try to work hard to really prioritise my life and at times I have to let things go.I love writing here so I'm back in the saddle and will try to stay consistent at least for the near future.
When I took my break we were talking about the questions that a "Frantic Family" must ask themselves. The first two questions were challenging but this third one is very simple.
As a family, "How are we going to manage and monitor our decisions?" Once you make the tough decisions you must make as family there has to be a plan to monitor how you are doing.
A few weeks ago Carey and I spent an evening at Atlanta Bread Company talking through the decisions we had recently made. It was a great time to hang out and to make sure that we were doing the things we had committed to doing. As I said in another post, it is one thing to know what you want to do and another thing to be sure you get it done.
I am confident that anyone can sit down and come up with a plan for what their life and their family should look like but I think very few actually accomplish their dreams and desires. We allow our culture and what others say and do to dictate what our life really looks like. This is unfortunate. You and you alone can monitor and manage your life and your family.
Spend some time this week evaluating how you are doing related to your priorities and desires. If you need to make some changes have the courage to do so!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Narrow it Down

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Ok, now get up off the floor and please keep reading! Of course you do, we all do. Sometimes it seems like I have so much to do that I am almost paralyzed by the magnitude of responsibilities and the things that need my attention.

For the past few days I have been posting about the questions that each family needed to ask in order to live on purpose. If you haven't read the last 2 blogs you may want to back up and catch up.

Today I have another question for you that I hope helps. "What is your families top priority, right now?" If you could answer that question in a sentence then you have just created some direction. I know that we are all busy and have a lot to do but if you want to get somewhere, and get there on purpose then you must learn to prioritize.

If as a family, or even with yourself if you are single, you could sit down and determine what the most important thing is right now then that becomes your marching orders. You simply focus on that and everything else just has to wait until it becomes the most important thing.

Now, before you tell my I'm dreaming listen to a few thoughts:
1) I know that there are daily things that simply must be done. Get them done. They will always have a place in your schedule
2) Before you push back to hard on my plan, how's yours working? If it's going good then read no more. If not, try this one on for a few weeks and see if you get results.

We will look at our final question in a few days! Happy Prioritizing!

Friday, November 14, 2008


So in my last post I shared with you about the book I had just finished reading and how it had inspired Carey and I to sit down and really get intentional about the things we feel strong about. We came away from our discussion with a renewed feeling of needing to simplify. So we came up with some action steps.
This week we have worked very hard to de-clutter, prepare for a yard sale, re-work our personal budget and make some plans for how we will continue this process. See it's one thing to know what you need/want to do but it's another to put feet to your plans. I already feel like a new man after just one week of working hard on the things we decided to do. Our house is less cluttered, we are more on the same page than ever as a family, and I feel like we are really creating space in our lives for God to move!
It all started with the three questions from the book, "3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family". Let me give you the first one and challenge you to think through it. WHAT MAKES YOUR FAMILY UNIQUE?
Now that's a great question. What are the unique gifts, talents, desires, passions, and experiences that make up who you are as a family? Taking some time to reflect on these things will allow you to begin putting together a family mission that will allow you to live your life with great purpose.
We'll continue this discussion and look at the other 2 questions over the next few days!
Live on purpose and choose the course of your life or someone will choose it for you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


OK, so if you know me then you know how I am about questions. I just finished reading book by Patrick Lencioni titled, "The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family." Wow! What a great read. Pat is one of my favorite business/leadership authors. I think I have read everything he has written. This one may be the best because it speaks to one of the areas of great passion for me. FAMILY!
After reading this book Carey and sat down and spent a few hours working through our family values and making sure that we were on track. If any of us spent a few minutes thinking and talking about what maters most I think our answers would come quickly.
Here's the struggle though; Does what we say matters most show up in how we spend our money and how we spend our time? It's one thing to verbally say what matters most and another to make decisions that lead you to a life that proves that.
For the next several days we will look at these questions and talk more on this topic.
Can't wait to create a teaching series from this for next year!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mike Leach

Now here's a story of knowing what you want in life and going for it. Mike Leach is the head coach of the Texas Tech Red Raiders. (You guys know how big of a college football fan I am) Mike graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in 1983. He then went on to Pepperdine University School of law and graduated with a law degree in 1986.
After all of this time and effort he decided that he wanted to be a football coach. That had always been his dream but he was never willing to pursue it. "Why Not?" That was his attitude!
So today he coaches a team that is undefeated and about to play Texas (the #1 team in the country) this Saturday. A lot of people are saying that texas Tech will win the game. If you ask me I'm not so sure. However, Mike Leach is already a winner. He knew what mattered most to him in life and he didn't settle. By the way, Mike is one of only 4 Division I coaches that didn't actually play football in college. That's what I'm talking about. Having a dream and the courage to pursue it!
LifePoint Church has been a dream and vision of mine for many years. Six years ago in the midst of much criticism and questions from even friends and family I decided to go for it. Since then we have been on one amazing ride. There have been great days and not so great days but through it all God has been faithful and has allowed us to be a part of a great story.
For the last several months I have been seeking God about the next few years of my life. I have been sharing on Sunday's that I feel like He is calling us to take the heart and vision of who we are outside the church walls and make a great difference in our communities. I truly believe that the greatest days are ahead of us.
The last two weeks have been a time of great anticipation for me. I almost feel like I did when God first began to give me the dream of this place. I know that this is what He has called me to and I am ready to make the next run.
For those of you who have been a part of this journey, thanks for all you have done and I know you will continue to be a part. For those of you who are new to LifePoint, hang on because we are about to have some fun and watch God do great things!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, did I issue a "big challenge" Sunday or what? In the midst of some of our toughest economic times in history I asked the people of LifePoint to step up their giving to an all time high in an effort to be a part of a huge plan God has for us. I am confident that, as always, the response will be huge and together we will once again see God do amazing things.

I can't wait to get into the next few months and begin to see some of our dreams become a reality. Things like stepping greater into our community and meeting physical needs, helping people begin to discover their purpose for living, and seeking to lead the church into the future. Only time will tell what will be accomplished and I for one am waiting with great anticipation.

Come prepared this Sunday to be part of a fun time of celebration as you bring your gifts during the service. (We will fill the treasure chest) Remember, "where your treasure is there will your heart be also!"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Buried Treasure

We are in a series right now called "Buried Treasure", and I am loving the ways God is stretching us! I am not usually so comfortable with asking people to consider giving like I have been the last few weeks.
For the last 6 years I have resisted talking much about money in an attempt to not make people misunderstand my passion, heart and desires. The reality is that I am starting to understand that people really do want to be a part of something bigger than themselves and that means we may have to step outside of our comfort zones.
God had no problem with the money conversation because His motives were pure. As I have prayed these last few months I feel like mine are as well so I am going for it.
We have been called as a church to make a huge difference in the lives of those we call our neighbor and it will mean that each of us will have to sacrifice. This past Sunday I gave a big challenge for the church and you can listen to it here.
Join us again this Sunday as we continue this journey!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Miss Sunday

You do NOT want to miss this Sunday! As I shared this past week, all of the staff will be on the stage with me this week and we will be sharing some great stories.
For the past several weeks we have been discussing generosity and the characteristics of a generous life. Now we move into the real issues. "What is God asking me to do?" and "How can I display the marks of generosity?"
For the next several weeks we will be sharing with you some exciting things that are on the horizon for LifePoint Church and the communities we are a part of. The staff and I have been stretching ourselves to think outside the box and seek what it really looks like to be generous, which is simply being like Christ. Now we want to share our thoughts and visions with you and invite you to invest your time, talents and resources in helping us accomplish some great things.
We know that if anything of lasting value is accomplished it will be by the grace of Christ, and yet we also know that He has chosen to work through ordinary people like you and me.
So get ready to hear some exciting stuff and to be challenged like never before.
See you Sunday!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Morning Conversations

For the last several weeks I have been asking questions during our services. That's not very different. I mean we have always heard teachers ask questions in churches. However, the questions I have been posing have not been rhetorical questions but ones that I really wanted to hear some feedback.
By the way, thanks to all of the brave ones that have been wiling to shout out in one of our services and give your insight to the subjects we are addressing. I know that this is a very new idea and yet I think it is a very healthy and potentially life changing one.
In the last few days Chris had a great post on relationships where he talked about the importance of really listening. You can read it by clicking here!
I long for the day when we can regular gather as a group and just share openly with each other. Where someone isn't the "Bible answer man" (or women) standing in front of the group but where we can learn in community.
This is the idea behind the internet site know as wikipedia, where the information is shared information. The thought is that one person (source) can't possibly have all the perspectives needed to really bring a full understanding to any subject.
My desire is that at LifePoint we would be a people of God who explore this thought in many ways and I look forward to the journey with you.
I would love to get some feedback from those of you who read this blog about how this whole idea strikes you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This past Sunday we shifted gears on our series and started a mini series on Generosity. Anytime yo hear that word our minds quickly go to money. No doubt money is a tool where we are able to see our generosity or lack of but what we are talking about is much deeper than dollars.
We're talking about the generous life! This Sunday we'll dive into the characteristics of the generous life. If you are going to come and hang out with us I want you to begin thinking about that.

Where have you encountered extreme generosity in a life?
What are/where the characteristics of that life?

Paul told Timothy to teach the people to "be generous and willing to share." (We'll look at this specific passage this week)

There are some amazing things happening in the lives of some of the people who make up LifePoint and over the next few months we will highlight some of the stories and invite others of you to dive in to what is happening.

Kudo's to the community of people that have started going to Macon each Sunday night and feeding and hanging out with the homeless and hurting people up there.

Kudo's to the community of people that are working on houses of those in need and especially this week on the house of one of those who is part of our church family.

Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! To all of you who displayed generosity toward my family as Carey has been recovering from back surgery.

I'm so grateful to be part of a community of people who get it and who display the marks of a generous life!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ryder Cup 2008

This year USA and Europe square off for the 37th Ryder Cup Golf event. It's a match that is played between the two foes every other year. It happens to be one of my more favorite sporting events to watch. The USA has not done so well in the last several events but its always fun to watch and brings out a great spirit in the competitors and even those like me that just observe.

One of the players for the US, Kenny Perry, has worked very hard to make this team. The top 10 players, based on money (earnings) make the team each year and then the team captain gets to pick two other players. I just listened to an interview with Kenny where he shared all he has done this year to make the team. The event is being played in his home town so he had a little extra desire to participate.

Golf has 4 major championships every year and Kenny qualified to play in each of them. However, he chose to not play in the one outside the US and to play in more tournaments than he ever had in order to reach the earnings needed to make the team.
Now, that's what I'm talking about! Starting off the year with a goal in mind and then making the little decisions necessary to reach that goal.

Right now, at LifePoint, the staff and board are working through our 5 BHAG's (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) for 2009. We are asking God to direct us to five areas where if we grew and worked extra hard we could see our church go to a greater place. We have almost finalized the list and those of you who are part of our church will get to hear about it soon.

Having the goals will be one thing but the real challenge will be making the tough decisions necessary to position ourselves to accomplish the goals. There will be things we are doing that we may need to stop doing and there will be new things to start doing. It should be fun having a goal in mind and then creating a plan to accomplish that goal.

I believe with all of my heart that the greatest days at LifePoint are still ahead of us. I also believe that the greatest ways of doing church have still yet to be discovered. Together I look forward to seeking the things of the future!

Monday, September 15, 2008

LifeGroups @ LifePoint

One of the greatest environments related to LifePoint Church is our LifeGroup's. You can find out more about them and how to be a part of one here.
Next year a major emphasis of our church will be how we can more effectively "do life together", and how we can connect more people in a small group environment.
For the past several months I have been traveling from group to group to hear from the people who make our church tick and to answer questions. It has been an amazing time and I am more convinced than ever that real life change happens in the context of a small group environment.
Tonight I hung out for several hours with the McCann lifegroup and I just have to give a shout out to Dan McCann! Dan is such a huge part of what takes place at LifePoint and he has really helped us get people connected in groups over the last few years. Thanks Dan! We are better because you are in our lives.
If you are not in a small group yet, Dan would love to find a place for you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9 - 11

I bet 7 years later most of us still remember where we were and what we were doing on that tragic day that has simply become known as 9-11. There have been a lot of tragic days since then.

Many Mom's and Dad's have given their lives in defense of their nation. (This may not be politically correct but I mean Mom's and Dad's on both sides of the conflict)

This morning, in our staff meeting, we prayed for the victims both from that tragic day to the ones that are still loosing their lives today. God help us to hear from Him and God help our leaders to recognize the hugeness of the times we are living in and make the right decisions.

As Americans, I'm afraid we can become a bit arrogant at times and simply pray for our nation and our men and women of uniform and forget the others that face the same things in other parts of the world. Please don't misunderstand me, I am very grateful for the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. I gave 8 years of my life serving in our Armed Forces. However, we seem to have gotten a bit off track somewhere along the way.

God is not an American. (Again I know this isn't politically correct but while Jesus was a lot of things politically correct was not one of them)

As you pray today, pray for our nation and others as well. Pray for all of God's creation, that we could find fresh and innovative ways to come together as one. (Jesus prayed for this in John 17)

Don't forget to read Proverbs 11 today! There's some good stuff in there that we will come back to in the coming days! The NIV has some specific stuff to say about how we treat our neighbor. Remember as you watch the news today and all the people they flash on the screen before you... they are your neighbor too!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Having Trouble Sleeping

This doesn't happen to me very often but last night I had a little trouble sleeping. I woke up early in the AM and found myself reading and wondering why I couldn't sleep. I decided to check my e-mail, which I never do at the time of the morning, (Oh yeah because I'm never awake) and discovered that a lady in our church had e-mailed with a request to pray for her son and their entire family. I knew right away why I was awake. So I turned off my computer, hit my spot and started hanging out with my Heavenly Father in prayer.

So why am I blogging about this?

Well, we're in this series right now called "Pillars" and we are discussing some of the spiritual disciplines that should be part of the life of a follower of Christ. One of the disciplines we discussed a few weeks ago was prayer and I have been trying to stay more aware and more sensitive to the needs and happenings in my world.

In Matthew 6 Jesus teaches on the importance of prayer. In that teaching He points out to us that our Father knows what we have need of before we even ask. Today was proof of that. God woke me up to pray for somebody who has no idea when I ever get up. They would have never called on me at that time of the morning to get up and pray but God did. That's because He knew what they had need of before they even asked.

Turns out it's what I needed too! In 2 hours this morning I have gotten more done and spent more quality time with God than I usually get in half a day and this is before I am ever normally up. I think this morning will turn out to shape a new direction in my disciplines for the days ahead.

The discipline of prayer is about learning to trust like learning to walk!

Trust today that as you take your needs and issues to your Heavenly Father He knows what you have need of before you even ask. Don't be shy and wonder how to talk to Him. Just talk to Him! He's listening and He cares greatly for you, neighbor!

Monday, September 8, 2008


What would our lives look like if we focused on others more than we focused on ourselves? That was the driving question in my heart and mind that lead me to share the message I did yesterday. You can listen to it here.
So this morning I got up and read this post from Jaime and I had to share it with you. I love the verse in Proverbs that she points out to us. Planning is a great thing and God calls us to do it but we must recognize that He has a plan for our lives and only His plans will prevail!
One of the things I am confident of is the reality that His plan for us involves serving others. We will talk more about that here this week as we continue to unpack the ideas I shared Sunday!
Remember the challenge, everyone you see this week is your neighbor! How would my life look different if I embraced that truth?
Have a great week, neighbor!

Friday, September 5, 2008


One of the things I love about the book of Proverbs is that if you stay with it on a daily or at least regular basis you are going to eventually cover the major areas of life. Today we look at Proverbs 5 and it is full of wise sayings.
One of the things we say around LifePoint often is that, "Great marriages don't just happen!" They take hard work and discipline. We are all bombarded with temptation everyday of our lives and how we walk through these times will determine the level of abundance we experience in this life.

Proverbs 5 is a warning against adultery and those of us who are married should heed the warning. Verse 8 says "Keep to a path far from her." Let me interpret (Don't get near it, run, you are not as strong as you think you are, if you play with fire you will get burned)

The writer of Proverbs concludes this teaching of wisdom in verse 23 by saying, "He will die for lack of discipline."
Wow! Does that connect with what we have been talking about or what? DISCIPLINE! That is what we have been called to. Not in an attempt to gain God's acceptance but because of it. We don't live a disciplined life trying to get God's grace, we live that life because we have received His grace. Check out Romans 11:33 - 12:2 for more study on this thought.

I have had two people in the last few days thank me for the challenge of reading through Proverbs. Both of them discussed how they were reading it each day with their spouse. Now there's a great idea. When you reach a passage like Proverbs 5 you can't just go on without having some discussion. Make this a part of your marriage.

Questions for reflection:
1) Where are you not guarding yourself from temptation?

2) What boundaries do you need to create for relational protection?

3) If I keep reading Proverbs each day will it make me stronger?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Benefits of Wisdom

Today we continue with some thoughts from the book of Proverbs. Chapter three is one of my most favorite chapters in the entire bible.
As a small kid my Grandfather taught me Proverbs 3:5-6 and I have held it close my entire life. Trusting in God leads us to a life of "straight paths". Straight doesn't mean without obstacles but without bends. God will lead us straight to the place where He intends for us to be. Are you trusting in Him today?
Verses 9-10 give us some great insight to God's promise to us when we honor Him with our stuff!

Here's a few questions for you to ponder as you go through this day:
1)Am I really trusting in God or am I trusting in me?
2) If I look at my stuff and how I am using it would others say I am honoring God with it?

If either of these questions challenges you to a place of discomfort then spend a few minutes in Proverb 3:11-12 and be reminded that God's challenge is to those He really loves!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Proverbs 1

This is a great book of wisdom to dive into! It is a perfect place to start based on our current series, "Pillars"
So this week we begin our jounrney of discussing different aspects of Study. I challenged you to spend each day this week reading the Proverbs of the day. So we start by pointing out Chapter 1 verses 2-3
The writer begings by giving us an overview of what the purpose of these writings are:
"for attaining wisdom and DISCIPLINE; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair.
There is that word again: DISCIPLINE
As we work through these passages this week we will begin to see the value of discipline more and more.
Make it a priority to read Proverbs 1-7 this week and ask God to help you understand it and apply it to your life.

Monday, September 1, 2008

MAC vs. PC

So my last post was on "Learning to Let Go" and today I may really be practicing this discipline. I got home yesterday to discover that my computer had crashed, again. Not sure yet what the problem is but thinking seriously about stepping into the MAC world.
Any advice or comments? Besides, "What have you been waiting for?"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Learning to Let Go

I remember being a toddler, holding onto the coffee table, and then letting go and trying to walk! OK, so I don't really remember that but I have seen enough children go through that process that I assume that I experienced something very similar. There is a beautiful life and adventure that we get to enjoy if we can ever get the courage to just "let go".

Letting go and learning how to better do that is the primary focus of the practice of centering prayer that we began discussing yesterday. For the last several months I have made this practice a part of my life. There are some simple elements to centering prayer that I want to share with you.

1) Start by finding a quiet place where you will be free from distractions and disruptions
2) Take a deep breath, let it out and settle into the moment
3) Set aside 15-20 minutes to just sit in total silence and stillness

The goal of this time is to just "let go"of all of the thoughts you have as they begin to arise. This will be no easy task but try and not give any attention to the thoughts that come up in your mind. Simply let them go. In order to better help with this you may choose a sacred word to focus on during your time. A word like, love, grace, peace or even Jesus!

If we could tap into the benefits of this practice then we would be better suited to "let go" of our negative emotions when something goes wrong in our lives or people hurt us.

As I shared with you yesterday, Father Thomas Keating is a great voice of learning for me on this practice. If you notice below you can watch an 8 minute video of him introducing the practice of centering prayer.

This coming Wednesday, September 3, we will be experiencing Night of Worship at LifePoint Church. The subject of my conversation will be cenetering prayer and we will even spend a few minutes in practice together.

My challenge for you today is to just begin thinking about this practice and make yourslef ready to start walking in it. Here's one thing that I know, life happens wether we are ready or not and if we could walk in peace and learn to let go of all the emotions and hurts that arise in a given day we would be better equipped to follow Christ. Centering Prayer is crucial for this journey.

Sunday we will talk about the discipline of Study and next Wednesday we practice centering prayer. See you there!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Contemplative Practices

Over the last year I have stepped into a new arena with my "discipline of prayer". I've heard a lot about meditation over the years and have even considered myself to walk in that at some points of my journey but making it a regular part of my walk has been a rewarding adventure.

I'm not going to say a lot here because my feeling is that this is probably a fairly new area for most Christ followers so we will take it slow and unpack a few thoughts over the next several days.

In Psalm 104:34 the psalmist said, "May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the Lord." Now, speaking of prayer that is a good prayer to have in our hearts and on our lips. Lord, may my meditation be pleasing to you! I guess if I'm going to pray that prayer then I should have some time of meditation.

I'm reading a book right now called "The Cloud of Unknowing", which I don't necessarily recommend, but am enjoying even though it's a tough read. It was written in the late 14th century by an anonymous English Monk. Here's a quote:
"Lift up your heart to God with a humble impulse of love and have himself as your aim, not any of his goods..."

The way we make God our aim and not any of His goods is to discipline ourselves with some time of contemplative practice and exercise. For me this has been expressed in recent days in a practice called centering prayer. It is a 20 minute time of prayer where I sit in silence and learn to "let go" of the thoughts as they arise in my heart and mind.

One of the premier voices on the subject of centering prayer is Father Thomas Keating. You can read a little bit about him by clicking here. For the next several days I will invite you into my life and practice of centering prayer.

For today let me just give you a simple challenge. Try spending 10-15 minutes at some point today sitting in total silence. Find a place that is quiet and free from distractions and interruptions. As you sit, there will be 1000 thoughts that flood your way but try and let them go and don't give any of them your attention.

It won't be easy. That's why I call it a CHALLENGE! Are you up for it?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An Appointment with God

Why Not? We make appointments with everybody else and never seem to be able to find time to just hang with God. I hear what the real spiritual people in the crowd are thinking: "My whole life is God's and He is in everything, so why would I make an appointment with Him?"

On the one hand if that's your thinking then I applaud you because you are absolutely correct. However, let's just be real for a minute. How much do we acknowledge the presence of God in our daily lives? I think this reality is why we need to make regular, scheduled appointments to just hang out with God in Prayer.

Paul told us in I Thessalonian 5:17 to"pray without ceasing." So that is one passage that indicates that our moment by moment lives should be impacted and influenced by the continual communion between us and our Father. However, I think the way we increase the possibility of that really happening is by having fixed times of prayer in our daily agendas.

This past Sunday we called this "fixed hour prayer". Don't get so caught up with the "hour" word that you decide to not give it a try. I think if we could go to the place where we spend an hour with God in Prayer that would be an amazing time in our lives (Read Matthew 26:36-41). Maybe after yesterdays post you could have some fun turning this passage into a prayer.

Today's challenge:
Could we at least start with 15-20 minutes. Don't just say yes. Go to your calendar for the next 5 days and put it in your schedule. Remember, if you are participating in our current series of talks live or by podcast, that we are not talking about striving to earn God's acceptance. There is nothing we can do to earn anything from God.

All we have is because of God's grace (unconditional love and favor). While we are not trying to earn anything we can still put forth an effort to learn and grow. Dallas Willard said, "While grace is opposed to earning it is not opposed to effort". Put forth some effort this week to hang out with God in Prayer!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When you Pray

In Matthew 6 Jesus gives us some amazing instructions in the area of Spiritual Disciplines. This is the conversation we are having at LifePoint during the current series called "Pillars". This past Sunday we discussed "prayer" as a discipline. Jesus begins His instructions in verse 5 with these words, "And when you pray."

Did you catch that? The assumption on Jesus' part is that we WOULD pray. He makes the assumption that we will so he gives us some direction and even a model to follow.
One of the ways that we pray is by turning God's word into specific, practical prayers for the life we have been called to live.

Sunday I used the illustration of the "Lord's Prayer" as a great place to start. In this blog I want to share a few other verses with you and show you how we might turn that into a specific prayer. Remember that we are learning to walk in these disciplines together.

Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things." (I love this passage and use it all the time)

Here's how I might pray this passage back to God:
"Lord, today I am going to be bombarded by many thoughts. I'm going to be confronted with things that are not true, there will be temptations I will be confronted with to embrace impure thoughts or actions, so I ask you to help me focus this day on truth. God, I know that truth is whatever you say regardless of how I think or feel so let me keep that in the front of my mind. When impure pictures or thoughts come my way help me to turn away and see you!"

Here's another passage:
Roman's 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship."

Prayer idea:
"Wow God! In light of all you have done for me the least I can do today is to make myself available to you. I present myself to you today, so take my gifts, talents and abilities and use them for your plans and purposes!"

For those of you who were there Sunday I referenced Ephesians 6:10-18. Here's a challenge. Grab your Bible, take a few minutes and read the passage and then formulate a prayer that you could pray back to God to make this passage come alive and become relevant in your life. You may even want to take a few minutes and write the prayer and spend a few days reading/praying it until it starts to lodge in your heart.

This Sunday we will look at the discipline of "Study" and that will give us a greater opportunity to grow in God's word and it will enhance our times of praying through scripture.

"And WHEN you Pray!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Closing Ceremonies and Spiritual Disciplines

So the 2008 Summer Olympics have come to a close and what a great event it was to watch. As I sat in front of the TV watching the closing ceremonies my mind began to think about all of the hard work that had gone into making the games what they were.

First you had all of the volunteers and effort put forth by those in China that made it all flow and made the opening and closing events some of the greatest in history. Then you had all of the "discipline" by the athletes that actually competed in the games. Nobody showed up in China, hoping to win, having not put in thousands of hours in training and working out.

I think there is a connection between these games and the reality of the discipline that will be required of us to experience the life Christ has called us to experience. In our current series "Pillars" we are talking about some of the ancient paths of following Christ and the Spiritual Disciplines that when present in our lives, create space for God to breathe and work within us.

As I watched the athletes flood into the stadium last night I thought of Paul's words:

You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition.
I Corinthians 9:24-27 (The Message)

Are you giving it all you've got? Yesterday we looked at the discipline of prayer and this week we will take it a little further. My challenge for you today is to think through the four types of prayer we discussed and begin to spend some time in each area. If you missed the message you can listen to it on our "podcast" page and the four prayers are listed on our home page.

Start with conversational prayer throughout this day. As you go about living and being remember that God really does care for you and he longs for us to talk to Him. Stop right now, thank Him for his love and spend the day in constant communion with Him. More to come tomorrow!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hospital Food

Don't you just love hospital food? OK, don't answer that!
Carey (my wife) is resting well after her back surgery today. This kind of jumped up on us from out of the blue this week. We are so grateful for all of our friends and family who have called, prayed and cared for us so far. We have a month or so of some slow recovery time but God is good and we will be better for it.
This past Sunday I talked about learning to pull away and have solitude and silence as part of Sabbath. This may be a way to have a Sabbath break but I bet tonight's stay won't involve solitude or silence. Probably right when Carey gets to sleep they'll wake her up to take a "sleeping pill". Gotta love it!
This Sunday we will continue our series "Pillars" as we take a deeper look at the need for spiritual disciplines in our lives. We will talk about how Jesus said that the way to clean the outside of our lives is to focus on the inside. Don't miss it!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Wild Goose Chase

Mark Batterson has done it again! I just finished reviewing a copy of his new book, "Wild Goose Chase" and I feel like I need to grab my backpack, head to North Georgia, and start hiking the Appalachian Trail. That's one of my "life goals"

One of the main thrusts of the book is setting goals and pursuing the things God has put in your heart to do. Most of us sell ourselves short and by doing so we are selling God short.
Mark says that if we are going to experience God's best for our lives then we must learn "to play offense. You've got to play to win!"

Last year I had the privilege of hearing Mark speak and then talking with him for a few minutes at the Catalyst Conference. He's one of those guys that has become a long distance mentor to me through his speaking and writing both from books and his blog.

I would encourage you to make his blog a part of your daily reading! You can connect at:

One of the greatest challenges that I have faced in several years came from Mark's inspiration: sitting down and developing a list of 100 Life Goals. He speaks of this practice in his newest book.

It has been said that "we will all end up somewhere in life so why not end up there on purpose."

Today, I encourage you to purchase a copy of "Wild Goose Chase", read it the minute it lands in your hands, and then spend the rest of your life chasing the Wild Goose.

Find out more at or go straight to and order your copy!

Thanks for the challenge Mark!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Spiritual Disciplines and Personal Rhythm's

Today we continued our series, "Pillars" by introducing the need in our lives for spiritual disciplines. I mentioned that the bridge between God's grace that is for forgiveness of sins and God's grace that leads us to a life of obedience is built by spiritual disciplines.
Over the next several weeks we will look in detail at some of the specific practices that allow us to experience spiritual formation. This is the diligence to do the hard things that are part of following Christ. It's one thing to believe in Him but to follow requires paying a price.
One of this biggest part of that price is to focus on some proper and healthy rhythm's for life. As of last week I have engaged a personal coach to help me manage my life's rhythm's. Sometimes we may think that we can do it all on our own and that we don't need a coach but even the greatest enlist the help of others.
Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers to ever play the game and yet he has a coach. It's because he understands that even though he has many skills there are still things that he doesn't see in his own game.
As we pursue this life of disciplines I encourage you to surround yourself with people who will help you grow. People who will speak into your life.We all need encourager's and coaches.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Night of Worship

Last night we had one of the most amazing times ever at "Night of Worship". For those of you not familiar we gather the first Wednesday of the month about 8-9 months out of the year for a time of music and communion. Some months I share some brief thoughts as I did last night on suffering. You can get the basics from my post yesterday.
My post today is really not about anything I shared but about the amazing time of worship through song that Chris and our band lead us into. We are so fortunate at LifePoint to have a guy like Chris with his gifts, talents and passions to see people truly experience Christ. That's exactly how I left feeling last night. (I experienced Christ)
We go through life a lot of times knowing about God but to experience Him takes our journey to a new level.
Kudo's to Chris, the band, the guys in the sound/media booth, the ladies who set up the room and anyone else who made last night possible. Today I have been able to continue the experience in my heart because of your efforts and availability.
If you missed last night join us in September for what I know will be another great time!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Benefits of Suffering

OK, so not my favorite title or subject! However, I think we have to face the reality that suffering has a place in our lives. I will talk briefly about this at Night of Worship this week.
It seems to me that whenever we talk about suffering, especially as followers of Christ, that we have this negative tone in our conversation. What if we could begin to see suffering for what it really is, "An opportunity to see God in unique ways and an opportunity to grow." The Bible doesn't seem to share this negative view we have of suffering.
As a matter of fact James said "Consider it pure joy, my brothers when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3
May I suggest that you go and read the verses that follow for a better grasp on the benefits of suffering in our lives.
Today, no matter what we are facing could we ask God to reveal himself to us in unique ways and allow us the strength and grace to persevere!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Following Christ!

Sorry, but I've been a little out of the blogging world for the past week or so. I've been spending some time being quiet and just listening to the heart of the Father.
Don't miss this Sunday!
We are going to talk about the "Rich Young Ruler", and continue our discussion about what it means and looks like to be a follower of Christ in this world we find ourselves in.
Thanks for all of the great comments about our talks these past few weeks. It is evident to me that we truly are a people that are "Hungry".

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"River of Life"

For the third year in a row our teenagers have just finished participating in a ministry in Macon, GA called "River of Life". They basically hang out at a church in Macon and go out into the community during the day and do construction and painting work on the homes of elderly and disabled people that can't afford to have the work done.
This connects with the idea of "communitas" that I have been blogging about the last few days. Here's the idea:
As we serve someone else, together, we become more connected through our service. As we, in community, look not only to our own needs but to the needs of others we become more connected and experience a greater sense of community. I'm always amazed at how the teenagers and adults that participate become closer together even if they weren't really connected before working together.
I'm posting here to give further voice to the idea of "communitas" but this is also a big shout out and kudo's for the teenagers and adults that worked so hard over the last few days.
Thank you to Tracie Lord, our Director of Student ministries and Joe and Robin Booker who love our kids and most importantly love Jesus and the people he loves.
Also, thanks to the group of teens that went above and beyond to serve those in need. You guys really did display the love of Jesus this weekend!
You have experienced something the last few days that many will never experience.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Extreme Community

Yesterday I introduced you to the idea of "communitas". It's community to the extreme degree. Remember this part of the definition:
Communitas is an acute point of community. It takes community to the next level and allows the whole of the community to share a common experience

Communitas happens as a result of several different things:
It can happen when a group of people walk through a trial or difficult time together.
It can happen when they come together to serve someone else inside or outside the community and together combine to accomplish something that couldn't be accomplished apart from the group effort.

This is my desire for the people of LifePoint Church. That we would daily walk together and experience "extreme community". Right now we are walking through a tough time financially but when we shoulder the load together the struggle actually becomes a strengthening of our resolve and commitment to each other.

Coming up:
"How some of our students and a few adults are experiencing communitas this weekend!"

Thursday, July 10, 2008


OK, I hear what you are thinking, "What? I've never heard of that word!" Maybe, a few of you have but since most have probably not let me give you the Wikapedia Definition.

Communitas is an intense community spirit, the feeling of great social equality, solidarity, and togetherness. Communitas is characteristic of people experiencing liminality together. This term is used to distinguish the modality of social relationship from an area of common living. There is more than one distinction between structure and communitas. The most familiar being the difference of secular and sacred. Every social position has something sacred about it. This sacred component is acquired during rites of passages, through the changing of positions. Part of this sacredness is achieved through the transient humility learned in these phases, this allows people to reach a higher position.

Communitas is an acute point of community. It takes community to the next level and allows the whole of the community to share a common experience, usually through a rite of passage. This brings everyone onto an equal level, even if you are higher in position, you have been lower and you know what that is.

Not going to un-package a lot on it here right now but we will be discussing on this blog over the next week or so. Start thinking about the definition and let it sink in before we begin dialog. The church has preached about community for years and we don't seem to be able to quite get there. What we need is communitas that goes beyond community. More to come!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Glad I'm Back!

The last several weeks have been an amazing time of rest and recovery but I am so glad that I am back. I always look forward to some down time to catch my breath and renew my focus but by the time my break comes to a close I am past ready to get back in the groove. This break has been no exception. Carey, the girls and I have enjoyed our time but it's time to get back in gear and ramp up what God has called us to do.
For the past several weeks God has been brewing some amazing stuff in my heart and head and stretching me to think outside the box more and in bigger ways than maybe ever. Starting this Sunday I am going to try and slowly un-package some of those thoughts as we hang out together at LifePoint.
I can't think of a greater time to be in the midst of the story of God and what He is doing in our world. Join us this Sunday as the journey continues!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

In Search of Silence

That sounds like the title to a great book or movie! It may be but it's not one I have read. (maybe I'll write it one day)
It has, however, been the them of my life for the past several months. I find myself having a deep desire to experience more and more silence. I've discovered on this journey that there really are two obstacles to silence:
1) All the external noise that I subject myself to
2) All the internal noise that roars around inside my own head

For months now I have found myself riding down the road with the radio off or sitting in the house with the TV off, which is a really good idea, by the way. I'm constantly looking for a quiet place to just be. However, when I find that place I do not necessarily experience real silence.

I'm learning that there is a lot more noise going on inside of me than there is outside. So my journey has had me learning to be more contemplative of certain thoughts and at the same time trying to learn to let go of more and more thoughts.

Here's a funny thing; The # 1 question I have been asked in recent days has been, "Are you OK?" People don't like silence and so when this guy who struggles with that starts seeking it the world around me is uncomfortable. That may be another obstacle to true silence.

In order to really hear from God I need to quit listening to Joe and at times others. I've got a long way to go on this journey but I am committed to discovering more and more quiet places and then learning to get quiet when I find them. We'll dive into some of this in a series next month.
Until then the journey continues!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


It's Sunday morning, about 20 minutes into the first service and I am NOT at LifePoint. I am actually sitting in my camper on Tybee Island about to walk down to the beach for the day. Now this is not the first time I have been out on a Sunday but this time has had me doing a lot of thinking, reflecting and looking forward.

There was a time in my life when I would be going totally crazy if I missed a service. (Is everything going OK? Are they missing me? Can it survive without me?) These would be my thoughts. Hopefully I have moved past that.

This morning as I was thinking I realized that there are probably two things that have been the catalysts to my growth in this area:

1) I have an amazing staff. Having a team as incredible as the one we have at LifePoint makes it easy on me to just go and not worry. Knowing that they are there and that we won't miss a beat makes my life so much more peaceful than it could be. By the way, for those of you reading this, please tell them how much you appreciate them!

2) It's not about me! Now, I don't want this reason to take away from what I just said about the staff but this really is why I can relax when I'm gone. LifePoint is NOT about joe tessin or anybody else for that matter. I have had to realize that it is going to be OK and that this whole thing is about God and what He is up to in our world.

See, what I'm trying to say is that I have had to grow past my own insecurities about who I am and what I am part of. For LifePoint to be about me and my personality would paralyze it's ability to be bigger than me and if it isn't going to be bigger than me then it isn't going to be very big.

I'm asking God to give me years and years of leading the staff, teams and people of LifePoint but in that to help me stay focused on the reality that this is His vision and His doing. I have just been invited along for the ride. If I keep this in focus then I think I increase my capacity to be effective but when I loose sight on this my days may be numbered.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Papa is FOND of me

...on the water, there on the mighty sea You spoke of love deep as the ocean When You spoke of Your love for me I am loved by the Father I am loved by the Son It...
...heard you singing in the silence, a simple melody Words of love, O I can hear it My Father is very fond of me

These lyrics are from Chris Tomlin but I have to admit I love when this song is done by CHRIS HILDRETH at LifePoint. Chris H. is such an amazing friend but he is also so gifted at leading people into the presence of Papa. (If you haven't read "The Shack" by William Young stop reading and go buy the book, then you will hang out with Papa)
This past Sunday our band and Chris sang this song. Today it came alive for me.
As Carey and I sat on the beach in Tybee Island, GA we watched dolphins swim along the shoreline and sat and took in the beauty of all Papa has created.
As I have many times in my life, I came face to face with the reality that "My Father is VERY Fond of me".
It's one thing to live life and an entirely different thing to live it with the reality that God the Creator of it all is fond of me. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now!
By the way, My Father, is very fond of you as well. Bask in His goodness this day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm reading one of the most challenging books right now, that I have read in a long time. "The Cost of Certainty" by Jeremy Young. While the book is totally resonating with me it is also totally rocking my world.
The culture of the church that I have grown up in is one that promotes certainty at all levels and costs. The goal is to be certain what truth is and to be certain that what we believe about God is absolutely correct. Can I just say that seems a bit arrogant to me!
I was in dialog recently, with a guy who God is using to really challenge me, about the idea of absolute truth. After a comment he made another guy in the group posed this question:
"So are you saying that you don't believe that there is absolute truth"
His response: "I'm not at all saying that I don't believe in absolute truth. As a matter of fact I am quite confident that there is absolute truth! However, what I am saying is that who do I think I am to say that I have discovered what absolute truth is"
wow! That was my response. Now I know that there will be those who read this and think that I have gone off the deep end. (Did you just now come to that conclusion?)
I will also say that most who have that feeling are those who have grown up in the same culture that I did that has caused us to think we have it all figured out and have held certainty up as the goal in life.
One of my greatest desires in life is to learn and grow. I've concluded that I can't do that if all I seek to expose myself to are things that further validate and embed what I already believe. Where's the learning in that?
So, while the book is a bit of a stretch I will press on and seek to know God more. In that process I think I may just have to settle on the reality that He (God) will become even more mysterious to me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This morning I had a thought that has been running through my mind for a while now, so I had to go do some study/research.
In John 10:10 Jesus said that He had come so that "we might have life..." and in Mathew 7:13-14 He said, "enter through the narrow gate.... the wide road leads to destruction.... but the small gate and the narrow road leads to life."
Jesus reaches into the Greek language both times for the meaning of this word life and He uses the same word in each verse. It means breath and vitality. In neither case is what Jesus talking about referring to an afterlife but He's talking about the kind of life He has created for us here and now.
Here's the hard part: In Matthew He says that "few will find it." Man, I want to be one of the few. Here's my thinking:
Most people walk a long way down a road seeking life, only to wake up and realize that they are on a road that leads to destruction. When we "wake up" we have a choice:
Do we keep walking because it has become easy and comfortable or do we enact and "emergency plan" to rescue ourselves and get back on the narrow road that leads to life?
One more thought that I will unpack later. Jesus said, "I am the life."
There is no life apart from Jesus, but does simply knowing about Jesus mean we have life?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday Morning Meditation

This morning as I sat outside and watched the birds and felt the breeze I was mediating on the goodness of God. I found myself reading Paul's words in Galatians. "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Galatians 2:20
Here's a few thoughts and questions I have:
What does it mean to "no longer live"?
What does it look like for "Christ to live in me"?
This is a big struggle I think for those of us who consider ourselves "followers of Christ". We spend much of our life trying to imitate Christ and quite frankly we ain't gonna get it done. (that's my GA slang coming out)
How can we imitate Christ? I've spent much of my life acting as if I was trying but I come up a bit short every day.
What I need in my life is less acting like Christ and more allowing Christ to live His life in me. The rest of this week I intend to ponder how I can stop doing and start being. Being one with Christ and allowing His life to take total control of what I think is my life.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Slow Down

Summer is officially here! I guess it actually has been for a few weeks now, but we are well into the "summer slow down". I know that this means a lot of different things for all of us:
1) We don't have to get up as early to get the kids ready for school.
2) We may stay up later but our evenings are not filled with homework and projects to work on.
3) Vacation!
Summer is a unique time of year and we should take advantage of the gifts it brings to us. During the year we get so busy and focused that at times we loose sight of the things that matter most. As you vacation this summer take notice of the things you share as a family and identify ways you can implement some of those things throughout the rest of the year. Even after school starts back!
Take advantage of the opportunities you have to reconnect as a family and make a decision to not let it get so out of balance in the future.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


After a week long trip through Illinois and Indiana I am still trying to land some of my thoughts. During my time hanging out with some other church leaders I was able to not only land some thoughts but also allow some other thoughts to take off.
It's good to find environments where we can think and not have it all figured out. Real growth in life comes, not when we look for our beliefs to be validated but when we have discussions from an open perspective.
So now I begin the journey of trying to process what is swirling around in my brain. For the next week or so I will be traveling on summer vacation with my family and this should afford me some still time and think time.
We will be camping in the North GA mountains. Nothing like a cool mountain stream or a big rock back in the woods to sit and ponder. For me that is some of the best places to connect with God.
I intend to journal my thoughts for about a week and then see where God takes me.
I am so glad that I don't have everything figured out! I am so glad that I don't have all the answers! I am so glad that I am part of a church that allows people to explore, grow, think and seek and that trusts God to lead people where only He can.
Wait! I hear the birds chirping and I see the sun coming up. Got to go!
Happy Camping!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life Altering Experiences

We've all had those times in our lives when we knew that we had just experienced something that would alter the entire course of our lives. That is how I would describe the last 2 1/2 days for me. Almost four months ago I began a journey with a group of people through several texts that have really stretched my thinking. Each week we worked through a series of writings and lectures and spent time posting our comments to each other. It all came together this week as we met in Indiana for a few days of conversation and bringing our thoughts to some conclusion. At least that is what we had hoped to do. In reality what we have done is to just introduce ourselves to an entirely new set of questions. We didn't really answer anything but we started asking many more and new questions. I am learning more and more each day that who I become will be directly related to the questions I ask. We live in a culture, especially in the church, where people are more concerned with answering questions than asking them. If we are going to be who God wants us to be in the days ahead we have to be willing to ask different and better questions, even if there is no clear answer.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jimmy John's

I just ate an amazing sandwich at a place called Jimmy John's in Michigan City, Indiana. What was even more amazing than the food was the service. From the time we walked in the door to the time a specialty sandwich was in my hands may have been 4 minutes, and that's because it took me
3 1/2 minutes to decide what I wanted. Here was my thought; "they get the service thing."
The service really blew me away. So here's my question to self;
Do I get the service thing?
Do I understand that my life is to be emptied out in service of others?
The truth of the matter is that most of my life I have looked to be served. I want others to serve me and meet my needs. I want the church to serve me and meet my needs.
Here's a question to consider;
How can I empty myself of my need to be served and live a life that focuses on others?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Now that's an odd title for a post from me. My background, before I stepped in the world of church planting, was construction. (I can hear the thoughts, "how in the world did you make that leap?") We'll save that for another post. The major dialog, among the guys I'm hanging in Indiana with, today was about deconstruction within the church. For the last several months a group of us have worked through many books and one of them was John Caputo's, "What would Jesus Deconstruct?" Now there's a question for you to ponder. When I read the title a few months back my first thought was, "Everything we have constructed..." That may be a little bold or even hard but I wonder how much of what we do in our churches causes Jesus to scratch his head in wonder. We had some great conversation and I wouldn't even begin to try and unwrap very much of it here but two things I know for sure.
1) Deconstruction is HARD WORK!
2) We MUST do it anyway!
For those of you who are part of the family we call LifePoint you may not like some of the hard conversations we have in the days ahead but we have to begin to ask the questions.
Are we really who God has called us to be?
Are we really doing the things He has called us to do?
For those of you not a part of LifePoint, you may want to ask those questions in your world.
Tomorrow promises to be another challenging day as we continue our discussions here near "Touchdown Jesus" (that's South Bend Indiana) but I embrace the dialog and will post again after the day is over.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Indiana Bound

This week I'll be hanging with a group of friends in Indian! For the past three months a group of 15 church leaders from all over the country have been reading some books and having regular conversation about the things that God is doing in our worlds. After months of talking on the phone and posting thoughts on the internet we come together for 3 days. It should be a time of growth and learning for me. It gives me a chance to connect with other guys who are in similar roles as myself and allows me to be stretched and pick up some new ideas. I'll try and keep up my blog as we hang out. Have a great week!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just finished reading a book by Randy Pausch called "The Last Lecture" and it rocked my world. Some of you may be familiar with the story and the rest of you need to be. Randy has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and he was asked to give his last lecture at the university he serves as professor at. It's one thing to think about what you would say if you could only say one more thing but it's another if it really is potentially your last opportunity. It has had me in a very reflective as well as forward thinking mode for several days.

How would we live our lives if we only had a month to live? I bet we would do a lot of things that we have been putting off and I bet we would let some things go that may not be as important as we make them out to be. If we agree with that statement then we have no excuse to not do what we would do if we knew we had limited time.

I'm asking God in the days ahead to help me live up to my potential and to help me live a very intentional life. To do the things that matter most and be clear about what they are.

For the next few weeks I'll share some thoughts from Randy's book but the best thing I could say is GO AND BUY IT, READ IT, AND THEN GIVE IT TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


As I arrived in my office this morning I felt compelled to send a note to my staff with some thoughts I was having. It may be of some benefit and challenge to you as well so I thought I would post it here.

Hey gang,

As I was driving in to the office this morning I was listening to ESPN radio (OK, so not a big shock right!) Anyway, they had one of the greatest players in the history of the NHL on Mike and Mike in the morning talking about the Stanly Cup finals that begin this weekend. They asked him what advice he would give to the young players who were about to play for their first championship. He used one word: "EXECUTE!"

He went on to say that once you make it to this level you don't need somebody to tell you what to do, you don't need a great speech or a pep rally, you just need to execute. As I listened I thought about some of our discussions over the last few weeks and especially the one that some of us had earlier this week. We all see the need to focus on execution of the things we have been designed to do. We know what to do and we know how to do it we just have to get it done.

Then as I got here and fired up the computer I was confronted with one of the greatest quotes I have read in a while.

"Our standard for excellence is not measured against others, it is measured by our overall potential". (Jeff Henderson)

Wow! That is it! The level that we perform at should never be measured by what someone else is doing but measured against the level that we have the capacity to perform at.

Question for the day: Am I maximizing my potential? Am I being a good steward/manager of the potential that God has placed inside of me?

Have a great day!

Monday, May 12, 2008


Yesterday was quite an interesting day. I awoke to the sound of much thunder and a steady rainfall. As I began driving toward the church I found myself in a serious storm and was even a little nervous for a few minutes of my drive. I had to swerve to miss a tractor trailer that had turned sideways in the middle of the interstate and thought I was going to be blown off the road a few times myself.
I finally arrived at the church building to discover that we had no electricity which obviously meant that we had no lights. In our main auditorium we have no windows so it made for a really dark room. I was certain that the power would come back on before our first service but it never did and we ended up canceling all three of our services.
Later, as I reflected back on the day, I couldn't help but focus on one of the verses that I intended to share and will share this coming Sunday.
Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."
As I walked around the building pointing a flashlight in front of me I couldn't see as good as when all of the lights are on. Then I had this thought; there will be times in all of our lives where we will experience the "storms of life", and when they come we may even experience some nervousness or uncertainty.
God has given us His life and His word to carry us through these times. I'm so glad that even in the midst of storms and uncertainty I have a shelter to run to. It's found in Christ!

Friday, May 9, 2008


What if we began to discover that God designed each of us for a specific purpose? What would our lives look like? How would we spend our time and energy?
Those are some of the questions that I have been asking myself for the last several days. Now, as a communicator of the truth of God's word, I have been speaking about "finding our purpose" for many years, but what I'm talking about here is a bit more than that. It's one thing to find your purpose and know that you have one but it's another to live your life "on purpose".

This Sunday I will be talking about how the path you choose to walk on determines where you end up in life. (If you miss the message you can listen to the podcast on Monday!) The decisions that you make each day determine where you end up and if you are really living on purpose. How many decisions do we make in a 24 hour period that are based on what someone else thinks we should do or based on what we see in our culture.

When I begin to recognize that I was created with an intentional design then that gives me the clues into the path I need to be walking on. If God is the one who gave me my design then it stands to reason that He will direct me onto the path that will get me there. The questions for me are:
"Am I going to slow down long enough to listen to Him?"
"Am I going to be obedient when He directs me down a path that I may not like?"

This day, may you discover that you were created with an intentional design and as you discover what it looks like may you make the decisions that make it a reality in your life!

Friday, May 2, 2008


We all have circles in our lives. You're steering wheel is a circle, your wedding band (if you have one) is a circle, maybe you're swimming pool is a circle, and your kitchen table might even be a circle. There's one circle that we often times overlook that is the most important circle in any of our lives. It's our "inner circle", or those people closest to us in our lives. I have been challenged recently by the reality that we are only as good as those in our "inner circle" and we will only achieve those things that those closest to us encourage and enable us to achieve.

If this is true then it stands to reason that we really should be selective in the people we choose to get close to and we should recognize the need for people in our lives that make us better. There are two books that are greatly influencing me in this area right now. The first is called "The Hidden Wholeness" by Parker Palmer. Palmer is a quaker who speaks of the importance of "circles of trust" where we learn to stay connected with our true selves and avoid living a divided life. (I'll speak more to this in a few days)

The second book is simply titled "11" by Leonard Sweet. Sweet speaks of the "11" relationships that are essential for all of us if we are going to be the person God has designed us to be. It is a great read and very challenging.

Last night I had a meeting with a portion of my "inner circle" who happen to be the staff of LifePoint Church and during our time we talked about this important truth. After we finished I reflected on the great potential in my life because of those God has surrounded me with.

Today, as you encounter the various "circles" in your life I hope you will think about the most important circle of all, your "inner circle" and evaluate how much you need it and maybe even invite others to join yours.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I'm almost finished reading a book by John Eldredge called "Desire." He also authored "Wild at Heart" (which by the way we will be doing a men's study through in the next couple of weeks) and both books have really had a great impact on my life. The essence of "Desire" is that we all have one and if we are not careful we can loose it or it can be taken away from us.

In order to be who I believe we were created to be we must posses a desire to live a life filled with passion and purpose. Eldredge says, "There is a secret set within each of our hearts. It is the desire for life as it was meant to be." I know that to be so true!

For far too long too many people in our culture have taken their cues from culture. I believe that as followers of Christ we have been called to influence culture and create culture but not take our cues from it. There is a lot we can learn about ourselves and our world from our culture and I think while we don't get our direction from it we must engage in it in order to make a difference. However, Jesus said "we are to be in it but not if it..."

My greatest desire at this stage of my life is to know God more, to know what it looks like to be His follower in this culture that I find myself in and to invite others on the journey. As we walk with God may we keep hold of our desire and may He increase our desire to know Him more!

Friday, April 25, 2008


So my camping trip and alone time with my family has come to an end and I'm back to the "real world", or was that the real world that I just came out of. So much of what God is speaking into my life right now is so counter cultural (meaning that it goes totally against almost everything I see and here in this culture). As I examine the life of Christ I see a man who accomplished so much in such a short time and yet never seemed to be in a hurry. I think in this world we live in that slowing down and learning to move at a slower pace really is an art and most will never even give it a chance.
While camping one of my highlights was cooking almost all of our meals on an open fire. (You should try it sometime) I found that it really takes some time and made me enjoy both the cooking and eating that much more.
One of the questions that Carey and I came home with was, "How do we learn to apply our experiences from this week to our everyday lives?" This week at least once I will spend the evening in the back yard with my girls cooking over an open fire. Maybe we've started a new tradition! Wait, that's not new, our ancestors did that every night. I wonder if their stress levels where lower than ours?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So today is officially "Earth Day" and I am loving it! This will be one of those posts that makes my friends on the "right" a bit uneasy but we'll just go for it and figure it out along the way. It's hard for me to not comment about earth day as I find myself sitting in a campground on the GA/AL state line. We are set up right next to a beautiful pond where we watch the sun and moon come up each day and cast their reflections on the water.
We are feeding ducks and geese almost from our hands and this morning a squirrel ate a hole in our brand new "day pack" trying to get to the trail mix. What's not to love?
At this place in my journey I'm learning to embrace the beauty of creation and recognize myself as part of creation. God has placed all of THIS in front of me for pleasure and enjoyment.
This morning gave me a new appreciation for the creation story in Genesis where, "God saw all He had made and declared that it was good!"
David declared in Psalm 24, "The earth is the Lord's and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therin." (That's me and you!)
On this "Earth Day" I declare that the Earth is the Lord's and He has given it to me for my enjoyment and His pleasure and praise. Wow!
Stop what you are doing right now , walk outside, look up and say "Thanks God!"

Sunday, April 20, 2008


"These are the moments I thank God I'm alive..." (lyrics from a recent popular song)
As I write this blog I am sitting outside my camper next to a beautiful lake and watching my youngest daughter play in the fire. She just said, "Dad I love these times!"
How many of us miss the moments? We are never more alive than right NOW! We seem to spend most of our lives waiting for tomorrow or waiting for a certain set of circumstances and yet God has given us THIS moment. What if we could learn to live in the NOW? To recognize that as David said, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be gad in it."
May you experience the fullness of God in this moment and in this day. He has created it for your enjoyment!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I think it was a game when I was a kid. Maybe it's still around? I know that in real life it's no game at all but rather something that we have a tendency to run from. Why? As I read through the Bible and come across the stories where God did amazing things in peoples lives and as I think of stories in my life where God has shown out it seems like there is a consistent them. RISK! Any time God calls us to trust Him there will be great risk involved. I'm asking God today to help me be a person who is willing to take the risk, make the leap and go for it. I am convinced that most all human beings will get to the end of their lives and look back with some regrets. However, the more I walk with God the more convinced I am that our greatest regrets will not be a result of the mistakes we made but rather the result of the things we didn't try. The times when we knew God was calling us out on the water but we were afraid of the risk. We're is God calling you out of your comfortable environment? Take the risk!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's training time again! I am about 8 weeks away from my next fitness event and so I have kicked the training into high gear. Over the last few years I have discovered that the best way for me to stay healthy and disciplined with my fitness is to keep events on the calendar that help to keep me motivated. Last year I participated in my first ever triathlon and in a few months I will be doing a duathlon (3 mile run, 14 mile bike ride, 3 mile run). It will be a new challenge and adventure and time will tell if I am up for it. This training coincides with a new series that we are starting this Sunday called God and Your Bod. We will talk about the importance of taking care of the body that God has given us but also discuss the reality that how we use the different parts of our body really is a spiritual issue. If you're in the area come and hang out with us and you may want to join us for the God and Bod challenge! Details coming Sunday.