Sunday, August 10, 2008

Spiritual Disciplines and Personal Rhythm's

Today we continued our series, "Pillars" by introducing the need in our lives for spiritual disciplines. I mentioned that the bridge between God's grace that is for forgiveness of sins and God's grace that leads us to a life of obedience is built by spiritual disciplines.
Over the next several weeks we will look in detail at some of the specific practices that allow us to experience spiritual formation. This is the diligence to do the hard things that are part of following Christ. It's one thing to believe in Him but to follow requires paying a price.
One of this biggest part of that price is to focus on some proper and healthy rhythm's for life. As of last week I have engaged a personal coach to help me manage my life's rhythm's. Sometimes we may think that we can do it all on our own and that we don't need a coach but even the greatest enlist the help of others.
Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers to ever play the game and yet he has a coach. It's because he understands that even though he has many skills there are still things that he doesn't see in his own game.
As we pursue this life of disciplines I encourage you to surround yourself with people who will help you grow. People who will speak into your life.We all need encourager's and coaches.


Largaespada Family said...

Wow, well said! I will have to hear your podcasts on this series! I'm definately needing help in managing a healthy rhythm. Great post Joe!


Chris said...

First of all, How much does a coach cost? I probably need a least two... a pro bono coach would be good, since i became a full time student monday.
any way, the reason i dropped by, there is a site that rates the educational level of your blog... and mine rated high school until I posted a few of my photos, then it went down to junior high... yours rates as genius. I am so jealous.