Thursday, May 22, 2008


As I arrived in my office this morning I felt compelled to send a note to my staff with some thoughts I was having. It may be of some benefit and challenge to you as well so I thought I would post it here.

Hey gang,

As I was driving in to the office this morning I was listening to ESPN radio (OK, so not a big shock right!) Anyway, they had one of the greatest players in the history of the NHL on Mike and Mike in the morning talking about the Stanly Cup finals that begin this weekend. They asked him what advice he would give to the young players who were about to play for their first championship. He used one word: "EXECUTE!"

He went on to say that once you make it to this level you don't need somebody to tell you what to do, you don't need a great speech or a pep rally, you just need to execute. As I listened I thought about some of our discussions over the last few weeks and especially the one that some of us had earlier this week. We all see the need to focus on execution of the things we have been designed to do. We know what to do and we know how to do it we just have to get it done.

Then as I got here and fired up the computer I was confronted with one of the greatest quotes I have read in a while.

"Our standard for excellence is not measured against others, it is measured by our overall potential". (Jeff Henderson)

Wow! That is it! The level that we perform at should never be measured by what someone else is doing but measured against the level that we have the capacity to perform at.

Question for the day: Am I maximizing my potential? Am I being a good steward/manager of the potential that God has placed inside of me?

Have a great day!

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