Sunday, July 13, 2008

"River of Life"

For the third year in a row our teenagers have just finished participating in a ministry in Macon, GA called "River of Life". They basically hang out at a church in Macon and go out into the community during the day and do construction and painting work on the homes of elderly and disabled people that can't afford to have the work done.
This connects with the idea of "communitas" that I have been blogging about the last few days. Here's the idea:
As we serve someone else, together, we become more connected through our service. As we, in community, look not only to our own needs but to the needs of others we become more connected and experience a greater sense of community. I'm always amazed at how the teenagers and adults that participate become closer together even if they weren't really connected before working together.
I'm posting here to give further voice to the idea of "communitas" but this is also a big shout out and kudo's for the teenagers and adults that worked so hard over the last few days.
Thank you to Tracie Lord, our Director of Student ministries and Joe and Robin Booker who love our kids and most importantly love Jesus and the people he loves.
Also, thanks to the group of teens that went above and beyond to serve those in need. You guys really did display the love of Jesus this weekend!
You have experienced something the last few days that many will never experience.

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