Friday, September 5, 2008


One of the things I love about the book of Proverbs is that if you stay with it on a daily or at least regular basis you are going to eventually cover the major areas of life. Today we look at Proverbs 5 and it is full of wise sayings.
One of the things we say around LifePoint often is that, "Great marriages don't just happen!" They take hard work and discipline. We are all bombarded with temptation everyday of our lives and how we walk through these times will determine the level of abundance we experience in this life.

Proverbs 5 is a warning against adultery and those of us who are married should heed the warning. Verse 8 says "Keep to a path far from her." Let me interpret (Don't get near it, run, you are not as strong as you think you are, if you play with fire you will get burned)

The writer of Proverbs concludes this teaching of wisdom in verse 23 by saying, "He will die for lack of discipline."
Wow! Does that connect with what we have been talking about or what? DISCIPLINE! That is what we have been called to. Not in an attempt to gain God's acceptance but because of it. We don't live a disciplined life trying to get God's grace, we live that life because we have received His grace. Check out Romans 11:33 - 12:2 for more study on this thought.

I have had two people in the last few days thank me for the challenge of reading through Proverbs. Both of them discussed how they were reading it each day with their spouse. Now there's a great idea. When you reach a passage like Proverbs 5 you can't just go on without having some discussion. Make this a part of your marriage.

Questions for reflection:
1) Where are you not guarding yourself from temptation?

2) What boundaries do you need to create for relational protection?

3) If I keep reading Proverbs each day will it make me stronger?

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