Friday, July 11, 2008

Extreme Community

Yesterday I introduced you to the idea of "communitas". It's community to the extreme degree. Remember this part of the definition:
Communitas is an acute point of community. It takes community to the next level and allows the whole of the community to share a common experience

Communitas happens as a result of several different things:
It can happen when a group of people walk through a trial or difficult time together.
It can happen when they come together to serve someone else inside or outside the community and together combine to accomplish something that couldn't be accomplished apart from the group effort.

This is my desire for the people of LifePoint Church. That we would daily walk together and experience "extreme community". Right now we are walking through a tough time financially but when we shoulder the load together the struggle actually becomes a strengthening of our resolve and commitment to each other.

Coming up:
"How some of our students and a few adults are experiencing communitas this weekend!"

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