Monday, December 29, 2008


I have spent some time over the last few days evaluating the last year and thinking about the one to come. I have been looking at areas in my life where I need to make some changes. (There are many) Each year I try and develop a list of goals that I want/hope to accomplish that year and this year will be no exception. I haven't made it to the list yet but I will before the week is over. I try and not rush into it but set goals that require some hard work but yet till can be accomplished.
This morning I read a post from one of my favorite writers. Mark Batterson is the Pastor of National Community Church in DC and he inspires me from a distance. You can read what I just read by clicking here.
None of us really like change but when we stop and evaluate we all know we need it. What areas do you need change in? Don't resist the change but run to it!
This next year we will experience some changes at LifePoint. We will push past the status quo and seek God as to how we need to change to stay focused on what he has called us to do. There will be some changes that we like and some we don't but we will change anyway.
One of the things, personally, I am going to change in is some of my eating habits. I am not going to allow myself to eat anything after 8:00pm. That is a change I am NOT going to like but it IS going to be for my benefit so I will press on.
When there are changes that you don't like if you resist them you will spend your whole life as status quo and how boring is that. Do something different "for a change"!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


I love Christmas Morning! Wake up early, open a few gifts with the family, eat a little breakfast and then go back to sleep for a morning nap. Just waking up from mine!
So grateful for what this day represents. It is the day that, as Christians, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. This past year, maybe more than ever, I have been overwhelmed with the thought of God coming "here"! I'm asking Him this day not to let me miss the beauty of what this means for us.
In Coming, Jesus said over and over again things like.... "the Kingdom of God is with men".... "the Kingdom is in you"....
I think as followers of Christ we will have been called to be co-creators with Christ and continue to usher in the presence of the Kingdom in the world we live in.
For the balance of 2008 and in all of 2009 may we broker the message of the Kingdom and the Peace of God to all we encounter.
Both friend and foe, those near and far.
Peace on this Christmas Day and in the Year to come!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What a Year!

What an amazing year this has been! Tomorrow morning I will walk into the doors of LifePoint and onto the stage for the last Sunday service of 2008. Where has the year gone? It has certainly been an up and down ride but one that I will cherish for some time to come. (We always take the last Sunday of the year off so we won't have services on the 28th)
I can't wait for the experience on Sunday! We have been brainstorming this one for several weeks and it finally came together over the last few days.
Speaking of experience: That is the new word for next year. Lifepoint will be all about creating experiences. By now you have probably heard that we are shifting from three services to two and the times are changing. Our new times will be 8:45am and 10:30am, starting on January 4th.
We have some experiences planned for the first few months of 2009 that I don't think will let you down. We are going to look at the issues facing, "Frantic Families" and we are going to talk about the heartbeat of LifePoint Church.
Thanks to all of you who have been such a huge part of our journey this year. Together we have worshipped by singing, teaching, repairing houses, feeding the hungry, clothing those in need, and caring for children just to name a few.
Next year promises to provide many more opportunities for some of the same and many new initiatives as well. I hope you all have a great Christmas and an Amazing start to the New year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day

As some of you know one of my favorite bands of all time is U2, and their song, "Beautiful Day" is one of the best. The lyrics go, it's a beautiful day.... don't let it slip away.....
That is what is on my mind as I wake up this morning. (Maybe it's because the song is in my ipod)
What if we said this to ourselves each day before we rushed out the door or began our daily routine. In my office I have a jar of marbles that represent the weeks I have left if I live the normal lifespan of a person in America. I'm fully aware that I am not promised anything and that everyday is a gift and every breath a picture of god's grace. The marbles (I throw one in the trash each week) are a constant reminder to me that life is a gift and is fragile and I have a little bit of time and a little opportunity to make a difference.
How are you using your little bit of time and little bit of opportunity to influence those around you for good?
It's a Beautiful Day..... Don't Let it slip away!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

"Frantic Family" Blog Finale

In my post yesterday I wrapped up the questions for the frantic family. I just had to visit this issue one more time. Today I spent some time with a creative planning team talking about the new series we will be launching in January related to this subject. I have 3 words for you. "Don't miss it"!
During this series we are going to experiment with some new forms of learning and it is just going to be a great time. (I wish I could share more of our planning but that would take away from the experience so I have to keep you in suspense) At the end we will open our doors to the public for a one evening session on developing a family plan.
If Frantic is not an adjective that describes your family then you can sleep late in January. However, if like mine, yours is at times frantic, then join us for some amazing environments and conversations!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


OK, so I have been away for a few weeks! Life has been a little crazy and I just haven't taken the time to post. I could have found some time but I try to work hard to really prioritise my life and at times I have to let things go.I love writing here so I'm back in the saddle and will try to stay consistent at least for the near future.
When I took my break we were talking about the questions that a "Frantic Family" must ask themselves. The first two questions were challenging but this third one is very simple.
As a family, "How are we going to manage and monitor our decisions?" Once you make the tough decisions you must make as family there has to be a plan to monitor how you are doing.
A few weeks ago Carey and I spent an evening at Atlanta Bread Company talking through the decisions we had recently made. It was a great time to hang out and to make sure that we were doing the things we had committed to doing. As I said in another post, it is one thing to know what you want to do and another thing to be sure you get it done.
I am confident that anyone can sit down and come up with a plan for what their life and their family should look like but I think very few actually accomplish their dreams and desires. We allow our culture and what others say and do to dictate what our life really looks like. This is unfortunate. You and you alone can monitor and manage your life and your family.
Spend some time this week evaluating how you are doing related to your priorities and desires. If you need to make some changes have the courage to do so!